Whistleblower System
We listen and take action!
We have implemented a whistleblowing system that enables employees, customers, business partners and other third parties to report harmful malpractices or suspicions anonymously at any time. Examples can include acts of corruption, anti-competitive practices and cartel agreements, data protection violations, accounting and financial misdemeanours as well as serious cases of discrimination or mobbing. We would like to explicitly encourage every individual to inform us in case of suspicion of breaches of the law and malpractice.
We assure you that all reports are conscientiously examined and handled with the strictest confidentiality. When following up on reports, we take great care not to violate the interests of the person(s) concerned that merit protection.
This whistleblowing system is the internet-based whistleblowing system by Business Keeper GmbH (BKMS® Incident Reporting). A description of how the BKMS® Incident Reporting system works can be found at:
In den Zehn Morgen S. J. Montigny KG is part of the Bartels – Langness group of companies. Therefore, when using the whistleblower portal, you will be redirected to the pages of the Bartels – Langness Group.
Under the following link you have the possibility to post a notice:
Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)
Declaration of principles on the protection of human rights
The Bartels-Langness Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG has a long history, during which we have always linked our economic goals to our corporate social responsibility. We, the management and employees of the Bartels-Langness Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, are fully aware of our responsibility to respect human rights. This awareness forms an integral part of our business relationships, and we consistently strive to ensure compliance with social and environmental standards as well as legal requirements. Therefore, we align our business activities with the following generally-applicable standards and guidelines:
- the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- the conventions and recommendations of the International Labour Organization (ILO) on labour and social standards
- the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
- the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)
Within our company, and also in all our business relationships, we do not tolerate any violations of human rights! We condemn all forms of child labour and forced labour. Discrimination of any kind – whether based on gender, skin colour, religion, ethnic origin, age, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, social origin or political views – has no place with us.
We strive to achieve our benchmarks for social standards, both within our company and also in our business relationships. As part of our risk management, we regularly exchange information within our group of companies and with our suppliers. This not only serves to prevent possible human rights violations, but also to share knowledge and experience within the supply chains. In addition, we have integrated supporting tools into our business processes – these inform us immediately of any legal changes and requirements. Our corporate benchmarks for responsible conduct are set out in our
- Code of Conduct of the Bartels-Langness group of companies
- Code of Conduct for Business Partner
The implementation of regular risk analyses supports us in identifying possible human rights violations, especially in the areas of environmental protection, discrimination, occupational health and safety, remuneration, data protection and child labour as well as forced labour. Here, too, we use another IT-supported tool to carry out these analyses:
On the one hand, our suppliers receive a questionnaire on risk assessment on a regular basis, and on the other hand, the programme provides us with current reports on the topics of environmental protection and human rights. Through bundling various sources of information within the tool, we are able to more accurately and better assess and evaluate the risks within our organisation and in relation to our direct suppliers.
We are aware that, despite our high benchmarks and diligent compliance, there may nevertheless be violations that cannot always be identified, due to the large number of business relationships. Therefore, we have established a complaints procedure as a key instrument. It helps us to identify risks and human rights violations. Our anonymous whistleblowing system is available to everyone – whether business partners, customers or employees – at
The next step envisaged is to develop and implement internal and external prevention and remedial measures. These measures will help us to correctly handle the detection of irregularities, and also to take appropriate steps to eliminate them.
We live in a world that is constantly changing at an ever-increasing rate. Accordingly, we will continually review and improve our instruments and our human rights strategy. We constantly strive for cooperation that is free of human rights violations.
Rules of Procedure for Whistleblower System
Submission of reports and complaints in the event of violations of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)
Bartels-Langness has a complaints and whistleblowing system in place as part of its overall strategy to comply with human rights-related and environmental due diligence obligations as defined in section 8 (2) LkSG.
The system is used to enable internal and external individuals or groups to submit reports, complaints and other notifications regarding human rights-related and environmental risks or violations.
Incoming reports can trigger early preventive measures to avert imminent damage. In cases involving violations that have already occurred, measures are initiated to minimise or compensate for the damage incurred insofar as possible.
Bartels-Langness uses the certified BKMS whistleblowing system as technical support for the procedure.
Scope of application
All individuals and groups of individuals in the company’s own field of business, within the supply chain, as well as externals can submit reports. These include, for example:
- Employees of the Bartels-Langness group of companies
- Employees of direct and indirect business partners, suppliers and service providers of the Bartels-Langness group of companies
- Customers
- Other third parties
Complaints procedure
Whistleblowers can submit reports using BKMS. BKMS is integrated into the public website of Bartels-Langness and its affiliated companies and can be accessed at any time at
Reports can be submitted either with individuals providing information on their identity or entirely anonymously. If a whistleblower provides personal data, personal feedback on receipt of the report will be sent to a personal mailbox within BKMS. This mailbox can also be used to exchange further information if the individual wishes.
At Bartels-Langness, reports are forwarded to the responsible individual in a targeted manner.
All reports are checked carefully and in detail, also regarding their plausibility. Matters are investigated on a case-by-case, unbiased, facts-based and confidential basis.
If the case turns out to constitute a violation as defined by the LkSG, suitable and appropriate remedial measures are planned, initiated and implemented. These measures aim not only to stop the reported violation, but also to prevent similar cases.
If possible, whistleblowers are informed of the implementation of the measure via the mailbox.
Data confidentiality
Whistleblowers are protected from any form of punishment or discrimination on the basis of the report they have submitted.
All reports submitted via the whistleblower system are treated as strictly confidential until the procedure has been concluded and beyond. The anonymisation of the personal data, as well as the complete erasure of the data, are carried out in accordance with the statutory provisions.
Improvements and sustainability
Bartels-Langness reviews the procedure used on a regular basis and, if necessary, also on an ad hoc basis to check that it is effective and also to identify any potential for improvement.